Summary of Benefits
Possibly one of the most stressful situations in life is the death of a loved one.
Although life insurance helps to care for the survivors’ long-term needs, many weeks or months can pass before the death benefit is received. In the meantime there are bills to be paid, mortgage payments due, groceries to be bought, etc.
The SAMBA Employee Benevolent Fund can help in this situation by providing an immediate cash benefit to the surviving beneficiary(ies) to sustain them during this period.
The coverage is available to employees of those agencies that participate in the Fund. No health questions asked!
Notification of your death from your agency is all SAMBA needs to release payment to your designated beneficiary(ies).
When you retire, resign or change to another agency, you are eligible to convert the coverage to an individual policy. Contact SAMBA and we will provide you with the necessary forms to file the request.

- Available only to active employees during open enrollment periods or within 60 days of entry on duty.
- Death benefit paid within 24 hours following agency notification.
- Coverage cannot be denied due to your age or health.
- May convert to an individual policy without proof of insurability upon retirement, resignation, or transfer to another agency.

Choose from two coverage levels:
- $17,500 – $39 annually
- $35,000 – $78 annually