Additional Benefits
Seat Belt and Air Bag Benefit: This plan will pay an additional benefit of 10% of the principal amount (up to a maximum of $25,000) if an insured person dies in an automobile accident in which the insured person’s seat belt was properly employed. Also, if the insured person dies in an accident in an automobile which is equipped with an air bag for the location in which the insured person was sitting and the air bag properly deploys for that location (and the person was wearing his or her seat belt), the plan will pay an additional benefit of $5,000.
Education Benefit (if Family Coverage is elected): The plan will pay an additional benefit if you are survived by at least one dependent child enrolled (currently or within 12 months of your death) as a full-time student in an institution of higher learning. The benefit will continue on an annual basis, not to exceed four years. The annual benefit is the lesser of the actual tuition (excluding room and board), 5 percent of the insured’s coverage amount, and $5,000 a year. The benefit will be paid for each such eligible child.
Total and Permanent Disability Benefit (employee only): If you become totally and permanently disabled (unable to work in any gainful occupation) before age 65 and within 180 days of an accidental bodily injury covered under the terms of the Plan and you remain disabled beyond 365 days from the date of injury, you’ll receive an additional benefit equal to 1 percent of your insurance amount, where the insurance amount will be reduced by any other benefits payable under this policy for that same injury. The additional monthly benefit will remain payable during your continued disability for up to 100 months. This benefit ends at age 65.

Available Coverage Amounts
You can select from $10,000 to $500,000.
Add Family Coverage
Cover your spouse and unmarried children up to age 26.
Additional Benefits
Safe Driver, Education, Child Care, and other benefits included at no additional cost.
Permanent Coverage
You can continue this plan, even if you change agencies or retire.

- Beneficiary Designation Form
- FAQs
- Summary Plan Description (under development)
- Limitations and Exclusions
- Termination Policy
- Payroll Allotment Form
- Direct Debit Application Form
- Authorized Representative Form (HIPAA)