Termination Policy
Your insurance stops on the earliest of the following dates:
- The date you are no longer eligible for insurance under the Group Policy.
- The date the Group Policy stops.
- The end of the period for which you paid premiums, if you do not make the next required premium contribution when due.
- The date you enter active military service, except active military service for training purposes of one month or less.
Prudential stops providing a specific benefit to you on the date that benefit is no longer provided under the Group Policy.
Your dependent’s insurance stops on the earliest of the following dates:
- The date the Dependent’s Insurance part of the Group Policy stops.
- The date the Group Policy terminates.
- The end of the period for which you made your last premium contribution for Dependent’s Insurance if you do not make the next required contribution when due.
- The date your insurance stops.
- The date your insured dependent is no longer a dependent as defined.
- The date your insured dependent enters active military service, except active military service for training purposes of one month or less.
Prudential stops providing a specific benefit under your dependent’s insurance on the date that benefit is no longer provided under the Group Policy.

Available Coverage Amounts
You can select from $10,000 to $500,000.
Add Family Coverage
Cover your spouse and unmarried children up to age 26.
Additional Benefits
Safe Driver, Education, Child Care, and other benefits included at no additional cost.
Permanent Coverage
You can continue this plan, even if you change agencies, retire, or leave your federal employment.

- Paper Enrollment and Change Coverage Forms